In this episode, building a Dominy Clock, Norm used the following tools:
That sound you hear is my sigh of relief that, contrary to indications over the last year, the demise of the non-Delta/P-C tools seems to have been erroneously supposed. The Senco in this and the previous episode and the Bosch in this one were welcome sights to me.
Still unresolved is the question of which model of the 159x Bosch Norm used last season. Today’s appearance was the old standby 1584.
Although Norm used biscuits in the miters of the large moldings, we didn’t see him cut the slots nor the tool he used to do them.
It was interesting to note that Norm used yet another shop made fixture—this a template for routing the rabbet in the door for the glass. There was a bit of slick engineering in it and yet he whistled right past it with no explanation.
The safety speech included video of an operation on the router table (wide board).
Field trip to Winterthur Museum at the DuPont estate, Winterthur, Delaware.
Project filmed 16, 18 May 2006.
This episode was processed based on the full length original broadcast by PBS.