In this episode (originally aired in 1998), building a walnut table, Norm used the following tools:
An infrequent no-new-tool episode.
Norm used a plain board clamped to the Unifence as a sacrificial fence.
The safety speech included video of a crosscut operation on the radial arm saw.
Field trip was to Jackie & Greg Guenther's shop in Savannah, Georgia.
A good portion of the episode was devoted to the finish, with a return visit to Guenther's shop for a finishing protocol—boiled linseed oil (BLO), followed by a coat of shellac, then a sanding regimen to 220 grit, after which numerous (10-12) thin coats of shellac were applied. The final steps were a coat of paste wax followed by a buff.
New material for this project filmed on 16 July 2008.
This episode was processed based on the full length original broadcast by PBS.