New Yankee Workshop Episode 2011

In this episode, building a outdoor loveseat, Norm used the following tools:

No new tools, but several old friends we haven't seen in a while (shoe rasp, Dowl-it, bevel gauge).

For so simple an appearing project, it sure was complex. I counted nine templates, and upwards of 60 mortises and tenons—and almost all of the tenons involved a complex angle. It wasn't cheap either— that teak was almost $100/board foot. I'll bet there was nearly one large in the leg assemblies alone.

The melamine insert has been used almost exclusively for the ¼" dado setup Norm uses for grooving rails and stiles. This time, it was used for a wider setup which was used at a 4° tilt. Norm has never before tilted the dado blade in my recollection. Update: yeah, he did. I found him using the technique in the Corner Chair project, Episode 1812.

Now, of course, we know the series was winding down at this point, but at the time this aired, the splinter in the oak insert of the table saw insert (obvious in this and the next two episodes) didn't even raise an eyebrow. Now it just seems sad, although I'm sure they fixed it for other projects, such as for This Old House.

The safety speech included video of an operation on the router table (wide board).

Field trip was to a private residence, possibly Russ Morash's, in Massachusetts. Seen in the background were the Patio Trolley (Episode 1207) and a couple of the Garden Armchairs (Episode 0105).

Project filmed 16, 18 October 2007.

This episode was processed based on the original broadcast by PBS.


Last updated: 23 March 2008

  • by Rod Peterson; © 2025 All Rights Reserved

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