New Yankee Workshop Episode 2005

In this episode, building the pantry in the Kitchen Cabinets project, Norm used the following tools:

An infrequent no-new-tool episode.

Although the Lamello biscuit joiner has apparently been summarily dismissed since the Black & Decker takeover of Delta and Porter-Cable, principal underwriters to NYW, I take some satisfaction and a great deal of pleasure in seeing the Lamello Dosicol glue bottle plainly in view, even if it hasn't actually been demonstrated.

You know I'm really stretching when I notice stuff like this, but for the first time that I recall, Norm put on his tool belt during the intro.

In contrast to Episode 2003, when Norm routed the slots for the face frame biscuits but didn't demonstrate using the biscuit joiner, this time he used the biscuit joiner but didn't demonstrate routing the slots.

Uff da! Did you see the size of that Tradesman clamp? It had to be eight feet long.

The safety speech included video of an operation on the router table (wide board).

Field trip was to Russ Morash's kitchen in Massachusetts. In view while visiting the old pantry was the Roll Top Desk Norm built in Episodes 9812 and 9813.

A second field trip was to kitchen in a friend's home, nearby in Massachusetts.

Project filmed 5, 7 June 2007.

This episode was processed based on the original broadcast by PBS.


Last updated: 10 February 2008

  • by Rod Peterson; © 2025 All Rights Reserved

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