New Yankee Workshop Episode 2006

In this episode, building building the office in the Kitchen Cabinets project, Norm used the following tools:

Third (and second in a row) this season of otherwise infrequent no-new-tool episodes. That's actually not surprising since each in this series of kitchen cabinet projects is essentially the same in core construction, and thus makes use of the same tools.

Seen but not used was the dead blow hammer.

I'm really sort of curious why Norm has been mostly using his benchtop planer for the last five seasons instead of the DC-380, which was clearly in sight in the background. Showcasing is one thing, but when one has a bigger, badder beast in the shop, why not use it?

The safety speech included video of an operation on the router table (wide board).

Field trip was to Russ Morash's kitchen in Massachusetts. Featured was the Roll Top Desk Norm built in Episodes 9812 and 9813, and which the office module will replace. Trust me, however, that desk will find a home somewhere else in Morash's holdings, I'll bet.

A second field trip was to kitchen in a friend's home, nearby in Massachusetts. I don't think it was a This Old House project, although the Kitchen Island that Norm built in Episode 1711 was noted.

Project filmed 12, 14 June 2007.

This episode was processed based on the original broadcast by PBS.


Last updated: 17 February 2008

  • by Rod Peterson; © 2025 All Rights Reserved

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