In this episode (originally aired in 1997), building a 7 drawer chest-on-chest, Norm used the following tools:
An infrequent no-new-tool episode.
Norm used a plain board clamped to the Unifence as a sacrificial fence.
Setting up the dado set for plywood widths was demonstrated.
A good demonstration of cutting cove molding on a table saw was given.
The safety speech included video of a crosscut operation on the radial arm saw—oblique view.
Field trip was to Alex Raskin's Antiques in Savannah, Georgia (both first and last names misspelled in the credits).
Thanks to my friend Pete Randall for clueing me in to the Raskin's location right next to the This Old House project house.
New material for this project filmed on 16 July 2008.
This episode was processed based on the full length original broadcast by PBS.