New Yankee Workshop Episode 1704

In this episode, building a bermuda chest, Norm used the following tools:

Items in bold represent the first appearance of that particular tool.

Well, the Delta mortiser isn't really new, but this is the first appearance of the latest version, so it warrants notice, in my view.

Instead of giving his safety speech before using any power tools, and beginning it by saying, "before using any power tools…", as he usually does, Norm began his safety speech with, "before we spend any more time with our power tools today…" after removing a freshly sanded piece of wood from the wide belt sander.

The safety speech included video of an operation on the router table (finger slip).

Field trip to Tucker House Museum, St. Georges, Bermuda.

Project filmed 2, 3 June 2004.

This episode was processed based on the original broadcast by PBS.


Last updated: 13 January 2008