New Yankee Workshop Episode 0109

In this episode, building a dressing table (part two of a two part project), Norm used the following tools:

An infrequent no-new-tool episode.

Interesting—he used both the Lamello and the P-C 557 biscuit joiners on the same project (although not in the same episodes). The Lamello was used in the conventional way, and the 557 was clamped upside down in a vise with the small blade in to cut slots for the FF biscuits for the miters in some frames.

Norm often demonstrates checking for square but this time he also demonstrated a method for correcting for it.

The safety speech included video of an operation on the router table (finger slip).

Field trip was to a lumber operation, from logging to plywood manufacture, in Western North Carolina.

This episode was processed based on the full length original broadcast by PBS.


Last updated: 7 May 2007