In this episode (originally aired in 1997), building a greenhouse (part two of a two part project), Norm used the following tools:
Items in bold represent the first appearance of that particular tool.
The Hitachi cordless drill and the combination square were in view and clearly had been used, but they weren't actually demonstrated in this episode.
I initially thought Norm used a modified kitchen knife as a putty knife. On reviewing the higher quality PBS episode, I realize it was just a putty knife. I might not create a file for that.
Although HGTV typically only cut about two minutes out of each episode when they aired them (and DIY is even more brutal), either I missed some stuff or these four tools were casualties, because I didn't have them on the list: Angle Wright miter gauge, Bosch jig saw, 34-182 mortising jig, oak insert.
Norm seemed to have a touch of laryngitis in this project (both 911/2111 and 912/2112). I remember he had a bad case on a This Old House episode once, but I can't remember the project. I wonder if it was the same time frame?
Norm used a plain board clamped to the Unifence as a sacrificial fence.
The safety speech included video of a crosscut operation on the radial arm saw—oblique view.
No field trip this episode.
In this rerun of the 1997 project we learn that the greenhouse was moved from where it was built (and where the later Storage Shed project now sits—Episode 1810). It was transported to the home of a friend who “loves it and who wouldn’t part with it for all the tea in China.” My bet is one of the Morash Productions crew wound up with it—maybe even Norm, himself.
New material for this project filmed on 16 July 2008.
This episode was processed based on the full length original broadcast by PBS.